
For details of the software you need to have installed prior to undertaking the SWE Programme, please see SWE training pre-requisites

Overview of Standards and Assessments

Welcome to the Software Engineering Programme (SWE)! We are excited you are joining Multiverse to start your apprentice journey. Before you start, we want to give you a little more information on how you will be assessed and what the learning will look like. This programme is composed of the following:

How will you be assessed?

During your sessions with your coach you will work on a variety of assignments. Below is a list of some of the ways you may be assessed in the programme.

Standards of Software Engineering

All the Bootcamp and Module content taught during the Software Engineering Programme is directly aligned with the standards for the Level 4 Software Developer programme as designed by the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education. Refer to this programme regularly to reflect on what you are learning and identify areas for development whilst on the job. The Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours for this standards are also summarised below:




Frequently Asked Questions

What software do I need to install for the Bootcamp?

How do I create a new Node.js project for my lesson?

  1. Create a new directory to hold the lesson's work - do not use spaces or special characters in directory or filenames.. cd into it.
  2. Run npm init to create a new package.json file. Accept all defaults. The package. json file holds metadata relevant to the project such as the project's dependencies.
  3. Add any Node package dependencies you require using npm install. For the majority of Bootcamp assignments you will require:
  4. Modify your package.json to allow running of Jest tests and generation of test coverage reports:
  "scripts": {
  "test": "jest",
  "test:report": "jest --coverage=true"

How do I run my Jest tests?

To run all your tests use npm run test or use npm run test -t to run a single test.

How do I create a Jest coverage report?

To create a Jest coverage report run npm run test:report.

You should see that Jest generates a 'coverage' report in your project folder under /coverage/Icov-report/index.html. Open this in your browser to view coverage by line, branch, function and statement.