Closing thoughts and next steps

A huge well done for completing the Plants Direct app! We're sure the stakeholders will be very happy with your work.

You can run your app locally. To deploy the app you can build it and leverage many optimizations from the create-react-app tool.

npm run build

This will build a production ready app for you in a folder called 'build'. You can publish this on static hosting sites like in an AWS S3 bucket, Github pages, I use surge to deploy my static sites.

npm install -g surge

Then type surge and create an account within the terminal. You'll be able to deploy with a command like the one below (your project will need a unique URL).

surge ./build

Go visit

Next steps - Asynchronous learning

Part 1

In the next unit, we will use Cypress to End-to-End test our app. Your coach will create an asynchronous learning objective for you to to learn what Cypress is, how it works, and how it can be integrated into our app.

Part 2 (optional)

If you're feeling inspired about the work we've done and frameworks, why not create a Vue CLI version of the Plants Direct project?