Wow, we've come so far and have a complete and working React app! Well done for getting this far. The last step is a nice one and it's about consolidating our remaining code into components to really tidy up our source code.
Learning Objectives
Create the last components we'll need
Turn the Navbar into a component
In your App.js, you will see the Navbar code. It's a large block and everything is self-contained, so it makes sense to turn this into a component.
If you get this far you have completed this Unit! Well done you. Loving React? below is an extra pair of challenges you might like to take on in your own time.
Create a Checkout
When you click on the cart goto '/checkout' and render a Checkout component that displays:
The content of the cart
The total order value
From here you can usually remove items from the cart or adjust their quantity. For now just creating an Order object that is console.logged would be a great way to finish the app.
If you are feeling really confident and want to stretch yourself may as well go forward and integrate Stripe payments into your React app. Stripe provides dummy credit card numbers you can use to 'buy' items.