Monitoring and Maintaining Services and Software

This last stage of the SDLC is critical if you want to gain the impact or outcomes that triggered the SDLC in the first place.

Monitoring stats

What are the kinds of things you might want to monitor?

What might you want to maintain?


Have you supported the maintenance of software or services in your organization? Take some time to research what is monitored and what systems are in place for things like bugs or change requests. Find out who is responsible for monitoring and maintenance in your organization and what role you play in phase of the SDLC. Add these things into your portfolio as they will help you evidence the following areas of the standard.

Area of StandardDescription
#K01-SDLCall stages of the software development life-cycle (what each stage contains, including the inputs and outputs)
#K02-Rolesroles and responsibilities within the software development lifecycle (who is responsible for what)
#K03-PLCthe roles and responsibilities of the project life-cycle within your organisation, and your role
#S10-Deploybuild, manage and deploy code into the relevant environment


Well done for getting to the end of Module 3! You've now been exposed to all the stages of the SDLC. In this module we have really focused on the stages of the SDLC that come after the development phase.


You have studied the 7 principles of testing, equivalence testing and the testing pyramid. You have practically created different types of tests and explored tools (GOCD pipelines) that ensure all the code you ship is tested in a repeatable automated fashion.


You have deployed code into the cloud and considered the 12 factors that ensure applications running in the cloud do so smoothly and scale well.


Finally you know how to monitor your services. We have used Portainer to visualise and check on the health of our cluster. You can also appreciate basic monitoring tools and their importance once your app is deployed.

You are nearly ready to start thinking about your final workplace project. You should start conversations with your line manager about features or projects that you can deliver by owning them through the SDLC.