Javascript Promises

Learning Objectives



Async the Easier Way

Have a look at the code below:

    setTimeout(() => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            setTimeout(() => {
            }, 3000);
        }, 2000)
    }, 1000)

What do you think of it? Is it easy to read?

What about this:

    await pause(1000)
    await pause(2000)
    await pause(3000)

You might not yet know what the await keyword does but I think you'll agree that this second version is easier to follow. Unlike the previous example, the code reads as a top-to-bottom list of instructions, rather than a tangled mess of nested callbacks.

The 2nd example has been simplified by using promises.

Introducing Promises

A promise is an object which represents an asynchronous task. A promise begins in the pending state and, once the asynchronous task is finished, transitions to either fulfilled or rejected. In the example above, the pause function (definition not shown) is returning a promise.

A place you'll likely use promises is in the fetch web api. A call to fetch(url) will make a GET request to the given url. Network requests take a long time, however, so the fetch function returns a promise which represents the request.

const fetchRequest = fetch('');


If we ran this, the logs would show us that fetchRequest is a pending Promise:

>> Promise {<pending>}

async - await

If we want to use the data returned in the network response, we first need to wait for the promise to resolve. To do this, we can use the await keyword.

const data = await fetch('');

Here, data is the actual information we asked for in the network request. The await keyword does 2 things:

The await keyword can only be used inside async functions:

async function getMultiversePage() {
    const data = await fetch('');
    // do stuff with the data

async functions also always return a promise. Take the code below:

async function double(x) {
    return 2 * x


Even though there is no asynchronous logic, so we aren't having to wait for anything, the output is still a promise:

>> Promise { 20 }

Consuming with then

An alternative to async/await is to use a promise's then method:

    .then(data => {
        // do stuff with the data

Like await, then waits for the promise to finish. However, when using then, we have to supply it with a callback which it calls once the promise is finished pending, passing in the unwrapped value (called data here).

The advantage of then is that it can be used outside of async functions; however, pay attention to the order of execution:

const myPromise = pause(1000); // resolves after 1s
myPromise.then(() => {
>> 1
>> 3
>> 2

Note that the "3" was printed before the "2". Javascript will finish executing the code after the then and come back to it once the promise is resolved and the call stack is clear.

Although then uses a callback style, we can chain thens together to avoid the messy nesting we saw earlier:

  .then(response => response.json())
  .then(data => console.log(data));


  1. Create a function printWithDelay(arr, delay) which prints each element of an array, pausing for the specified delay between each console.log. You will find the pause function below useful, which returns a promise resolving after the given amount of time.

Assignment extension tasks

  1. So far, we've assumed all our promises are fulfilled rather than rejected. Research how we can handle promise rejection errors when using both the .then and async/await strategies for consuming promises.

pause function

function pause(time) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(resolve, time);