Next Steps

Having completed the previous assignments, it is now time to put it all together and create a document which sets out the plan for your MVP. Remember, you're only tasked with creating the frontend for your given business oppurtunity.


In your groups, decide which user stories and requirements will form the basis of your MVP.

Remember that:

"the minimum viable product is that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort."
Eric Ries

Create a document which includes all your work from the previous exercises and clearly defines your MVP.

Share this document with your coach at the end of the lesson.

Asynchronous work

The next module will involve creating wireframes of your MVP UI. As such, your task to complete before the next workshop is to learn a prototyping tool and create a wireframe mockup of one of your favourite website's pages. For example, you could learn Figma and use it to create a wireframe your Netflix homepage. You will need to bring this mockup to the next session to share with the class.

Suggested wireframing tools: