
Learning Objectives


What are Requirements?

The IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology defines a requirement as a condition or capability needed by a user to solve a problem or achieve an objective.

Why are Requirements important?

Requirements are hugely important as they form the basis of all your design decisions. By making requirements explicit and validating them with the project stakeholders, you can be confident that their business needs will be satisfied by the product you create.

How are Requirements gathered?

"Requirements are not just waiting to be picked from people like apples from a tree. They have to be mined like tin or iron" Developing Information Systems by James Cadle

Requirements are typically gathered by a Business Analyst through communication with project stakeholders. Communication can take a number of forms, for example:

Functional vs Non-functional Requirements

Functional requirements describe how a system should work, for example:

FR1MUSTMenu options include vegetarian, vegan and calorie controlled choices
FR2MUSTAllergen information is displayed against each ingredient
FR3MUSTThe password reset email contains a unique link which expires after one hour
FR4SHOULDPayment options include ApplePay

Non-functional requirements describe the constraints on the system such as system availability, conformance to security standards etc. Some examples are listed below but take time to study a more complete list on Wikipedia

NFR1MUSTThe home page loads in less than 2 seconds
NFR2MUSTThe system supports up to 1000 concurrent users
NFR3MUSTData is held in a Postgres database

There is quite an art to form a good requirement. Below are the main qualities your requirement must have:

Let's look at some examples of good and poor requirements in terms of how "complete" and "unambiguous" they are:

The system must be useableThe system must conform to the Nielson Top 10 Usability Heuristics
The system must be well testedAll code must have 80% test coverage

Functional requirements can be expressed in a number of different forms including:

So Fresh simple Use Case diagram

Activity diagram


In your groups, document a set of requirements (each labelled as functional or non-functional) based on your chosen opportunity.

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