Closing thoughts and next steps

A huge well done for completing the Plants Direct app! We're sure the stakeholders will be very happy with your work.

As you will have noticed, our main.js file has grown rather long. Developers are always looking at ways to make things more modular, easier to read and manage. To that end, whilst our project started small and using the CDN made sense at the time, now we'd want to think about adapting it into a Vue CLI version.

As mentioned previously, the Vue CLI bootstraps a project for you with Webpack, ESLint, Babel and more. It allows us to add a lot more modularity to our app, which would make it easier to manage and easier for other developers to work with.

Next steps - Asynchronous learning

Part 1

In the next unit, we will use Cypress to End-to-End test our app. Your coach will create an asynchronous learning objective for you to to learn what Cypress is, how it works, and how it can be integrated into our app.

Part 2 (optional)

If you're feeling inspired about the work we've done and frameworks, why not create a Vue CLI or Create React App version of the Plants Direct project?