Welcome to SWE

Overview of Standards and Assessments

Welcome to the Software Engineering Programme (SWE)! We are excited you are joining Multiverse to start your apprentice journey.

Before you start, we want to give you a little more information on how you will be assessed and what the learning will look like.

This programme is composed of the following:

How will you be assessed?

During your sessions with your coach you will work on a variety of assignments. Below is a list of some of the ways you may be assessed in the programme.

Standards of Software Engineering

All the lessons you will go through during the Software Engineering Programme are directly aligned with the level 4 Software Developer programme as designed by the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education. Use this page as a reference to reflect on what you are learning and areas to develop while on the job. The standards are:

Technical Competencies

Technical Knowledge and Understanding

Underpinning Skills, Attitudes and Behaviours

Bootcamp Overview

This 5-week Flying Start bootcamp prepares new apprentices to enter the workplace ready for their first challenges. We cover the basics of the software development life cycle and begin to understand the role of a software developer. As well as learning the basics of programming in HTML and JavaScript, apprentices will take on coding challenges and gain practical experience of the entire software stack.

The knowledge covered in the 5 week bootcamp will be referenced in all 4 modules for building retention of the competencies.

Standards Covered in Bootcamp

Assessments during Bootcamp

Each week there will be a new topic that builds upon each other. As in software development there are many moving parts to a project, each day during the week apprentices will learn a new aspect that will link to the overall project of the week.

For each day and end of week, apprentices will submit their work via GitHub and receive comments from their coach. Apprentices should be prepared to share their work to others in the cohort as well.

Below is an overview of each assessment for the week:

Module 1 Overview

Module 1 builds and expands on the RESTful concept introduced in the 5-week bootcamp. Topics covered include:

Standards Covered in Module 1

Technical Competencies:

Technical Knowledge and Understanding

Skills and Behaviours

Assessments in Module 1

Each day there will be a small assignment that you will work on and share via GitHub. Coaches will review and provide feedback. As well, you should be prepared to share your work to the cohort.

At the end of this module you will be building a RESTful API that has both authentication and authorisation. We are going to build up to this final challenge in a gradual way. Our jouney will begin today with the building block of RESTful apis - the Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP).

We are going to use Postman to call some RESTful APIs and look in detail at the requests we send and responses we receive. Then we will look at performing these same requests using the browser's native fetch api.

Module 2 Overview

A two week bootcamp that will get you develop your proficiency with HTML, CSS and asynchronous JavaScript. You'll cover: WebSockets; web workers; XMLHTTPRequests; canvas elements; media elements; responsive design through media queries; and error handling in Javascript. By the end of the module you will be prepared to take the Microsoft Technology Associate Certification (MTA): Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript

Module 3 Overview

Software Fit-for-users uses a mixture of on-the-job training and a two-week bootcamp to get you to exam-standard proficiency with the software development lifecycle as required for the BCS exam that is part of the apprenticeship qualification. Through a mixture of independent reading and a team project, you will learn about both agile and waterfall development methodologies and experience 2 x 1-week sprints. Topics that will be covered include:

Standards Covered in Module 3

Technical Competencies:

Technical Knowledge and Understanding

Skills and Behaviours

Assessments in Module 3

While you complete the module and go through each session there are mini assignments that will test their knowledge at the end of the session. These assignments are to be submitted via applied.

They are:

You will take the BCS Software Developer Methodologies Exam at the end of the module which will be an accumulation of all the learning.

Module 4 Overview

Module 4 uses a mixture of on-the-job training and a two-week bootcamp to get you to EPA-readiness for the 5-day synoptic project that forms part of the Apprenticeship EPA. Through completing two individual projects, apprentices will be prepared for the demands of the EPA synoptic project. Topics include:

Standards Covered in Module 4

Assessments in Module 4

In Module 4, you will prepare for the 5 day synoptic project. To do this, you will select the stack you will use for the synoptic project - and implement user accounts to demonstrate that everything works OK. You will need to implement a testing strategy, then the design system. Once the coding is complete, you will create a video demo showcasing their project and explaining how it meets the brief.

This module has a lot of coding to help you gain familiarity with frameworks, libraries or APIs that you can use in the synoptic project.

While you finish Module 4 they will have a few opportunities to work on projects to showcase their knowledge and skills. As you complete each session you will add more to your synoptic projects. The projects are the following an in each session: