Bootcamp > Week 5 > Days 1

Overview of the week

In your groups continue to build out the Kanban app until you have managed to have a go at each part of the specification.

Show and tell

At the end of the week you will have the opportunity to present your project as a group. Below are some suggested talking points. To show your app working you can prepare a short demo that showcases the main functionality of the app.

Individual feature

The last few days of the bootcamp will be reserved for you to take you group project and implement your own feature. It is up to you how you go about this. You might:

Your individual work can also be presented at the end of the week.

What next

Now you have completed the first part of your apprenticeship you are ready to start growing your skills on the job. Look out for the patterns and concepts we have looked at. You will be exposed to new technologies, new tools and even new languages but should recognise;

Spend the first few weeks learning about your team, the product you are working on and getting to know your team members. You can also start your portfolio and write about these first weeks in there. You have 2 objectives on applied set for you. Focus on these for now.

Well Done!

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