Bootcamp > Week 5 > Days 1
Overview of the week
In your groups continue to build out the Kanban app until you have managed to have a go at each part of the specification.
- It is easy to create a user
- Users must have a name and an avatar (so we can recognise them)
- It is easy to create a project board
- All the project boards need to be displayed somewhere in the app
- A project board should have three areas; todo, doing, done
- On a project board it is possible to create a task
- A task should have textual description and be unassigned or assigned to a user
- Tasks that are assigned to a user need to display the user's avatar on the task
- Tasks start in the 'todo' state
- It is possible to drag and drop tasks from one area to another. i.e. from 'todo' to 'doing'
- Project data is important and so all project boards, users and tasks need to be persisted
Show and tell
At the end of the week you will have the opportunity to present your project as a group. Below are some suggested talking points. To show your app working you can prepare a short demo that showcases the main functionality of the app.
- How did you find working as a group?
- How easy was it to incorporate tools and design patterns you had been introduced to during the bootcamp?
- What would you do differently next time?
Individual feature
The last few days of the bootcamp will be reserved for you to take you group project and implement your own feature. It is up to you how you go about this. You might:
- Redesign the site (CSS)
- Add more functionality (user defined columns)
- Add notifications via SMS or email
Your individual work can also be presented at the end of the week.
What next
Now you have completed the first part of your apprenticeship you are ready to start growing your skills on the job. Look out for the patterns and concepts we have looked at. You will be exposed to new technologies, new tools and even new languages but should recognise;
- Test driven development
- Object Orientated Programming
- Recursion
- Async
- Client side javascript
- Server side code
- Object relational mapping
- Relational databases
Spend the first few weeks learning about your team, the product you are working on and getting to know your team members. You can also start your portfolio and write about these first weeks in there. You have 2 objectives on applied set for you. Focus on these for now.
Well Done!
attendance log