Mod 3 > Week 1 > Day 2

Overview of the day

Today we focus on the Requirements Analysis stage of the SDLC.

Lesson 1 - Requirements Analysis

Learning Objectives

Inputs to the Requirements Analysis stage

The input for this stage of the SDLC are the business needs recommended in the Feasibility Study.

Purpose of the Requirements Analysis stage

This stage of the SDLC is about working out exactly what needs to be built or purchased in order to deliver the business impacts and benefits defined in the Feasibility Study.

Who is involved

There are a number of roles involved this stage that we should be familiar with.

Role Responsibility
Project Sponsor (customer) Owns the project and is accountable to the organisation for delivery of business benefits (feasibility study). Controls the scope of the project
Managers Own specific requirements
Users People who use the current system and will use the new system. Important they they buy into the new solution
Domain Experts Experience in working in the domain
Project Manager Responsible for development and deliverable to the Project Sponsor
Business Analysts Elicit, document and analyse requirements
Testers Help validate that requirements are testable
Developers Help validate that requirements are clearly defined

Usually we think about customers as external to an organisation. For example when we buy something from JD sports, we are the customer. However in the roles above you can think of the Project Sponsor as a customer. They will ultimately receive the final product even though they may not use the product themselves, their team may end up using the product.

Capturing requirements

"Requirements are not just waiting to be picked from people like apples from a tree. They have to be mined like tin or iron" Developing Information Systems by James Cadle

It’s the Business Analysts that will go into an organisation and elicit requirements. How do they do this?

For example, a Business Analyst might look at a user inputting data in a form and ask questions such as:

All of the methods described above involve talking to people. There are also others approaches that are more data driven.

As an example, imagine you are a Business Analyst working on a project to automate manual processes in a leisure centre. You could use activity sampling to understand what those manual processes were. By visiting the leisure centre at different times (to generate a fair sample) and recording what the receptionist is doing you gather your requirements. For example:

Categories of requirements

Requirements analysis elicits both functional and non-functional requirements.

Functional requirements describe how a system should work

ID Priority Description
FR1 MUST Menu options include vegetarian, vegan and calorie controlled choices
FR2 MUST Allergen information is displayed against each ingredient
FR3 MUST The password reset email contains a unique link which expires after one hour
FR4 SHOULD Payment options include ApplePay

Non-functional requirements describe the constraints on the system such as system availability, conformance to security standards etc. Some examples are listed below but take time to study a more complete list on Wikipedia

ID Priority Description
NFR1 MUST The home page loads fast
NFR2 MUST The system supports many concurrent users
NFR3 MUST Data is held securely

Requirements can also be categorised further into:

Category Description
Business requirements General requirements high-level statements
Stakeholder requirements Statements for the needs of individuals
Solution requirements Detailed technical requirements (i.e. database must handle 2,000 concurrent connections)
Transition requirements What is required to go from state A to state B (training, recruitment, processes, re-structuring)

What makes a good requirement

There is quite an art to form a good requirement. Below are the main qualities your requirement must have:

Let's look at some examples of good and poor requirements in terms of how "complete" and "unambiguous" they are:

Poor Good
The system must be useable The system must conform to the Nielson Top 10 Usability Heuristics
The system must be well tested All code must have 80% test coverage

TASK - Imagine you are creating a food delivery service called "SOFresh". Create a set of functional and non-functional requirements to express the requirements for the site. Use the ones above as a starting point.

Expressing requirements

Functional decomposition is the analysis of complex systems/requirements by breaking them down into smaller, simpler elements.

Requirements can be expressed in a number of different forms including:

Outputs from the Requirements Analysis stage

The output of this stage is a requirements document.

A requirements document should include a Glossary of Terms which explains acronyms or domain specific words used within the document.

It should also include a Data Dictionary which lists data requirements in such a way that in the Design phase it will be easy able to design a relational database or data structure. Here is an example Data Dictionary

Here are some examples of real requirements documents:

Assignment 1

  1. Using the Persona template provided by your coach, describe the bios, needs and challenges of at least 3 ficticious users of the SoFresh system

  2. Using the User Story template provided by your coach, describe at least 3 stories which provide value to users of the SoFresh system

  3. Create a UML Use Case Diagram to represent the interactions between the Actors in the SoFresh system

  4. Create a UML Activity Diagram to model an automated chatbot responding to a customer query

Commit your code to GitHub and send a link to your coach for review.

Assignment 2

  1. Update your portfolio to specify functional and non-functional requirements for each of the projects you have delivered. List them in a table as follows:


Functional Non-functional
  1. Update your portfolio to include a Use Case diagram and User Stories for at least one project you have delivered.

Additional resources

Video - Functional and non-functional requirements explained

TODO - Slides

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